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TEZRO TOWER SYSTEMS WS-1P800-T Tezro Tower. 1x800MHz R16KA/4MB cache, V12. WS-2P1GHZ-T Tezro Tower, 2x1GHz R16KB/16MB cache, V12. WS-2P800-T Tezro Tower. 2x800MHz R16KA/4MB cache, V12. WS-4P1GHZ-T Tezro Tower, 4x1GHz R16KB/16MB cache, V12. TEZRO RACKMOUNTABLE SYSTEMS WS-1P800-RM Tezro Rackmount, 1x800MHz R16KA/4MB cache, V12. WS-2P1GHZ-RM-DM Tezro Rackmount 4U, 2x1GHz R16KB/16MB cache, V12. WS-2P800-RM Tezro Rackmount, 2x800MHz R16KA/4MB cache. WS-2P800-RM-DH Tezro Rackmount 4U, 2x800MHz R16KA/4MB cache, 2xV12. WS-2P800-RM-DIGVID Tezro Rackmnt 4U-DM3 HD/SD Video w VBOB-2x800MHz-V12. Chse mem&disk FTOs, base=FTO 2GB mem/FTO 18GB disk; WS-2P800-RM-DM Tezro Rackmount 4U, 2x800MHz R16KA/4MB cache, V12. Chse mem&disk FTOs, base=FTO 2GB mem/FTO 18GB disk; order mon sep. WS-4P1GHZ-RM-DM Tezro Rackmount 4U, 4x1GHz R16KB/16MB cache, V12. Order FTO memory and disk seperately. WS-4P800-RM Tezro Rackmount, 4x800MHz R16KA/4MB cache, V12. Choose mem & disk FTOs, base=FTO 1GB mem & FTO 18GB disk; order mon sep. WS-4P800-RM-DH Tezro Rackmount 4U, 2xV12, 4x800MHz R16KA. Choose mem & disk FTO codes, base=FTO 2GB mem/FTO 18GB disk; order mon sep. WS-4P800-RM-DIGVID Tezro Rackmnt 4U-DM3 HD/SD Video w VBOB-4x800MHz-V12. Chse mem&disk FTOs, base=FTO 2GB mem/FTO 18GB disk; order mon sep. WS-4P800-RM-DM Tezro Rackmount 4U, 4x800MHz R16KA/4MB cache, V12. Chse mem&disk FTOs, base=FTO 2GB mem/FTO 18GB disk; order mon sep. RACK AND RACK MOUNTING OPTIONS RM-KIT-O300-3P Origin/Onyx 300 and Origin/Onyx 350 rack mount kit for 3rd party racks RM-KIT-ORIGIN300 Origin/Onyx 300 and Origin/Onyx 350 rack mount kit MEMORY OPTIONS FTO-WS-1GB First-Time-Only 1GB base memory for Tezro (2x512MB DIMMs) FTO-WS-2GBUP First-Time-Only upgrade to 2GB base memory for Tezro (2x1GB DIMMs); credit for 1GB base memory built in. HU-WS-MEM1GB 1GB memory upgrade for 1p, 2p, and 4p Tezro (2x 512MB DIMMs) HU-WS-MEM2GB 2GB memory upgrade for 1p, 2p, and 4p Tezro (2x 1GB DIMMs) SYSTEM DISKS FTO-WS-146GB First-Time-Only upgrade for first internal drive for Tezro. 146GB Ultra 160 SCSI, 10,000 RPM FTO-WS-18GB First-time-only first internal drive for Tezro, 18GB Ultra 160 SCSI, 15,000 RPM FTO-WS-73GB First-time-only upgrade for first internal drive for Tezro, 73GB Ultra 160 SCSI, 10,000 RPM WS-146GB-INT Add-on internal drive for Tezro. 146GB Ultra 160 SCSI, 10,000 RPM WS-18GB-INT Add-on internal drive for Tezro, 18GB Ultra160 SCSI, 15,000 RPM WS-73GB-INT Add-on internal drive for Tezro, 73GB Ultra160 SCSI, 10,000 RPM DISPLAY & VIDEO OPTIONS DCD2-OPTION Dual Channel Display daughter card for SGI Onyx350 InfinitePerformance and Tezro Rackmount, order monitor separately DCD-OCT2-DH Dual Channel Display daughter card for V12 Silicon Graphics Fuel & Tezro, and Octane2 Dual V12 graphics card assembly D-M21S-OPT Standalone Northern Hemisphere 22" Flat Screen CRT FPD190 19" LCD FLAT PANEL DISPLAY NMV 1,495 3 1,091 972 FPD230-HD 23" High Definition Flat Panel Display with 1920x1200 native resolution HDGVO-OCT2 DMediaPro DM5 HD & SD Graphics to Video Out Option without VBOB for new Octane2 V12, Tezro and Onyx 350/3000 IP. HDGVO-OCT2-VBOB DMediaPro DM5 HD & SD Graphics to Video Out Option with VBOB for new and in-field Octane2 V12, Tezro, Onyx 350/3000 IP. PERIPHERAL OPTIONS CBL-O300-VME-3M Origin 300 cable, XIO to VME expansion chassis, 3 meter DVD-O350-INT Origin350/Onyx350/Tezro RM internal CD/DVDROM, factory installed - O350 & Tezro ONLY HU-F-SPEAKER Analog Speaker Kit for Silicon Graphics Fuel (uses up one USB port) HU-WS-SPEAKER Analog Speaker Kit for Silicon Graphics Tezro, Onyx350, Onyx4 MSE00003U Magellan Mouse for O2, Octane2, Onyx2, Silicon Grpahics Fuel & Tezro systems" O300-VME-6U 6U interface card for VME expansion chassis O300-VME-9U 9U interface card for VME expansion chassis P-DAT20-EXT External DDS4 DAT for O2 and OCTANE P-DVDRAM-EXT External DVD-RAM for Silicon Graphics Fuel,Octane,Tezro and O2. Requires IRIX 6.5.21 minimum. Order Cables Separately. WS-DVD-T Optional internal CD/DVD-ROM for Tezro Tower workstation only PCI OPTIONS PCI-1394-A DMediaPro DM10 IEEE1394 Digital Interface Option PCI-ATMOC12-1P SGI PCI OC12 1-Port, MMF ATM Adapter for O200, O3000, Onyx3 PCI-AUD-A200 DMediaPro DM8 Analog Audio I/O PCI Option for Tezro rackmount, Onyx350 & Onyx4 PCI-AUD-D1000 8 Channel Digital Audio PCI Card with BNC AES connector PCI-DIGVID-SD DMediaPro DM6 PCI Digital Video I/O option board PCI-FC-1POPT-B Single port 2 Gbit FC host bus adapter PCI-SCSI-HVD-1P Single port Ultra SCSI High Voltage Differential host bus adapter. For use with HVD devices. PCI-SER-10002 2-port PCI serial card (RS-232/RS-422) for Onyx 300/350/3000 systems PCI-USB-4PORT 4-port USB expansion PCI card for keyboard/mouse connection, for Onyx 350/3000 systems PCIX-FC-2POPT-B Dual port 2Gbit FC Host Bus Adapter. PCIX-FC-4POPT-B 4 port 2Gbit PCIX based FC adpater for ALTIX with IX/PX bricks,OPUS, O3000,Onyx3 with IX/PX bricks,O350 and TEZRO. PCIX-SCSI-U4-2P Dual port Ultra SCSI LVD/SE HBA for Altix, O3k, Onyx3 wth IX/PX bricks, O350, TEZRO and FUEL. ALTIX-see note 157. NETWORKING OPTIONS PCIX-10GIGENET-OR 10 Gigabit Optical Ethernet card for Altix350/3000, Origin/Onyx350/4/3000 and Tezro, min. 6.5.23 w/patch 5516 PCIX-GIGENET-C-2P Dual port copper Gigabit Ethernet card for Origin/Onyx 300/350/4, Origin/Onyx 3000, Fuel, Tezro, Octane2 and Altix 3000 PCIX-GIGENET-OR-2P Dual port optical Gigabit Ethernet card for Origin/Onyx 300/350/4, Origin/Onyx 3000, Fuel, Tezro, Octane2 and Altix 3000 CABLES & SUPPLIES EXT-025 Monitor, mouse & keybd extensions for Tezro workstation: 30' DVI-A to VGA cable; 25' cables for PS/2 keyboard and mouse STORAGE MANAGEMENT CBL-SCSISE-1METER 1 Meter SE SCSI Cable 50 C to 68VHDCI XIO OPTIONS XT-DIGVID-GVO-WS DMediaPro DM3 & DM5 HD/SD Video I/O with HDGVO Option Bundle for Tezro Tower Workstation. Includes VBOB. XT-DIGVID-VBOB-WS DMediaPro DM3 HD/SD Video I/O XIO Option Bundle for Tezro Tower Workstation. Includes
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